Source code for pyeplan.routing

import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd 
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import os
import shutil
import mplleaflet

[docs]class rousys: def __init__(self, inp_folder = '', crs = 35, typ = 7, vbase = 415, sbase = 1): #Geogaphical locations of all nodes self.geol = pd.read_csv(inp_folder + os.sep + 'geol_dist.csv') #Number of all nodes self.node = len(self.geol) #Parameters of cables self.cblt = pd.read_csv(inp_folder + os.sep + 'cblt_dist.csv') #Cross section of cables [mm] = crs #Type of cables self.typ = typ #Line-to-Line voltage [V] self.vbase = vbase #Base three-phase apparnet power [VA] self.sbase = 1000*sbase #Base impedance self.zbase = (vbase**2)/sbase #Base curent self.ibase = sbase/(math.sqrt(3)*vbase) #Calculations of line/cable parameters self.r = self.cblt.loc[self.cblt['crs'] == crs,'r'+str(typ)].values[0]*1e-3/self.zbase self.x = self.cblt.loc[self.cblt['crs'] == crs,'x'+str(typ)].values[0]*1e-3/self.zbase self.i = self.cblt.loc[self.cblt['crs'] == crs,'i'+str(typ)].values[0]/self.ibase self.p = (math.sqrt(2)/2)*self.i self.q = (math.sqrt(2)/2)*self.i self.inp_folder = inp_folder #Minimum spanning tree algorithm def min_spn_tre(self): G = nx.Graph() for n in range(self.node): G.add_node(n,pos =(self.geol['Longtitude'][n], self.geol['Latitude'][n])) for n in range(self.node): for m in range(self.node): if n != m: G.add_edge(n,m,weight=distance((self.geol['Longtitude'][n], self.geol['Latitude'][n]), (self.geol['Longtitude'][m], self.geol['Latitude'][m]))) T = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(G) nx.draw(T, nx.get_node_attributes(T,'pos'),node_size=5, width = 2, node_color = 'red', edge_color='blue') plt.savefig("path.png") fig, ax = plt.subplots() pos = nx.get_node_attributes(T,'pos') nx.draw_networkx_nodes(T,pos=pos,node_size=10,node_color='red') nx.draw_networkx_edges(T,pos=pos,edge_color='blue') rou_dist = pd.DataFrame(sorted(T.edges(data=True))) rou_dist = rou_dist.rename({0: 'from', 1: 'to', 2: 'distance'}, axis=1) dist = rou_dist.loc[:, 'distance'] rou_dist['distance'] = [d.get('weight') for d in dist] rou_dist.to_csv(self.inp_folder + os.sep + 'rou_dist.csv', index=False) elin_dist = rou_dist.loc[:,'from':'to'] elin_dist['ini'] = 1 elin_dist['res'] = [self.r*d.get('weight') for d in dist] elin_dist['rea'] = [self.x*d.get('weight') for d in dist] elin_dist['sus'] = [0 for d in dist] elin_dist['pmax'] = self.p elin_dist['qmax'] = self.q elin_dist.to_csv(self.inp_folder + os.sep + 'elin_dist.csv', index=False)
#Convert latitude and longtitude to XY coordinates def distance(origin, destination): lat1, lon1 = origin lat2, lon2 = destination # Radius in meter radius = 6371000 dlat = math.radians(lat2-lat1) dlon = math.radians(lon2-lon1) a = math.sin(dlat/2) * math.sin(dlat/2) + math.cos(math.radians(lat1)) \ * math.cos(math.radians(lat2)) * math.sin(dlon/2) * math.sin(dlon/2) c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1-a)) d = radius * c return d