Source code for pyeplan.dataproc

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math 
import os
import shutil 
from timezonefinder import TimezoneFinder
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

[docs]class datsys: def __init__(self, inp_folder = '', lat = 0.251148605450955, lon = 32.404833929733,year = 2016, pvcalc = 1, pp = 50, sys_loss = 14, n_clust = 1, pf_c = 1, pf_p = 1, sbase = 1000): ''' Initialise the Data Processing module. The PVGIS tool ( has been to collect renewable production data sets at different locations across the world. ''' self.loc = pd.read_excel(inp_folder + os.sep + 'mgpc_dist.xlsx', sheet_name = 'Load Point', skiprows= 0, usecols = 'A,B') self.pdem = pd.read_excel(inp_folder + os.sep + 'mgpc_dist.xlsx', sheet_name = 'Load Point', skiprows= 0, usecols = 'D:AA') self.prep = pd.read_excel(inp_folder + os.sep + 'mgpc_dist.xlsx', sheet_name = 'Load Level', skiprows= 0, skipfooter=0, usecols = 'B') #Latitude (in decimal degrees, south is negative) = lat #Longitude (in decimal degrees, west is negative) self.lon = lon #Raddatabase = 'PVGIS-SARAH' #Name of the radiation database (DB): "PVGIS-SARAH" for Europe, Africa and Asia are PVGIS-SARAH, PVGIS-NSRDB and PVGIS-ERA5 based on the chosen location. #Start year of data collection self.startyear = year #End year of data collection self.endyear = year #Calculation method of PV output parameters: pvcalc = 0 -> solar radiation calculations, pvcalc = 1 -> solar radiation and power production calculations self.pvcalculation = pvcalc #Nominal power of the PV system [kW] self.peakpower = pp #Sum of system losses [%] self.loss = sys_loss #Type of sun tracking self.trackingtype = 2 ''' 0 = fixed 1 = single horizontal axis aligned north-south, 2 = two-axis tracking, 3 = vertical axis tracking, 4 = single horizontal axis aligned east-west, 5 = single inclined axis aligned north-south ''' #Calculate the optimum inclination angle self.optimalinclination = 1 ''' Value of 1 for "yes". All other values (or no value) mean "no". Not relevant for 2-axis tracking. ''' #Calculate the optimum inclination AND orientation angles# self.optimalangles = 1 ''' Value of 1 for "yes". All other values (or no value) mean "no". Not relevant for tracking planes. ''' #Type of output. self.outputformat = 'basic' ''' Choices: "csv" "basic" "json" ''' #Format of outpout ''' 0 = output as stream 1 = output as file ''' self.browser = 1 #Number of clusters self.n_clust = n_clust #Power Factor at each consumption point self.pf_c = pf_c #Power factor at each production point (renewable) self.pf_p = pf_p #Base apparent power self.sbase = sbase #Data extraction from PVGIS self.data_link = '' self.data_link = self.data_link + '?lat=' + str( + '&lon=' + str(self.lon) self.data_link = self.data_link + '&startyear=' + str(self.startyear) + '&endyear=' + str(self.endyear) self.data_link = self.data_link + '&pvcalculation=' + str(self.pvcalculation) + '&peakpower=' + str(self.peakpower) self.data_link = self.data_link + '&loss=' + str(self.loss) + '&trackingtype=' + str(self.trackingtype) self.data_link = self.data_link + '&optimalinclination=' + str(self.optimalinclination) + '&optimalangles=' + str(self.optimalangles) self.data_link = self.data_link + '&outputformat=' + self.outputformat + '&browser=' + str(self.browser) = pd.read_csv(urllib.request.urlopen(self.data_link), skiprows=2, header=None) ''' Data columns description as described by PVGIS: Time = Date and hour P = PV system power (W) ** Column not included if pvcalc = 0 G(i) = Global irradiance on the inclined plane (plane of the array) (W/m2) H_sun = Sun height (degree) T2m = 2-m air temperature (degree Celsius) WS10m = 10-m total wind speed (m/s) Int = 1 means solar radiation values are reconstructed ''' #Finding timezone based on latitude and longitude tf = TimezoneFinder() self.local_time_zone = tf.timezone_at(lng=self.lon, #Calculating active and reactive power at each load point self.prep = self.prep[np.repeat(self.prep.columns.values,self.n_clust)] self.qrep = math.tan(math.acos(self.pf_c))*self.prep self.prep.columns = list(range(self.n_clust)) self.qrep.columns = list(range(self.n_clust)) self.prep.to_csv(inp_folder + os.sep + 'prep_dist.csv', index = False) self.qrep.to_csv(inp_folder + os.sep + 'qrep_dist.csv', index = False) self.loc.to_csv(inp_folder + os.sep + 'geol_dist.csv') self.pdem.columns = list(range(24)) self.qdem = self.pdem self.pdem.T.to_csv(inp_folder + os.sep + 'pdem_dist.csv', index = False) self.qdem.T.to_csv(inp_folder + os.sep + 'qdem_dist.csv', index = False) self.inp_folder = inp_folder #Data pre-processing def data_extract(self): #Convert to local time zone #Create yearly UTC timestamps using pandas UTC_time = pd.date_range(str(self.startyear) +'-01-01', str(self.endyear+1) +'-01-01', freq='1H', closed='left', tz='UTC') #Convert UTC to local time local_time = UTC_time.tz_convert(self.local_time_zone) #Convert back to naive timestamps, but in local time zone local_time_naive = local_time.tz_localize(None) date_local = pd.DataFrame(local_time_naive) date_local[1] = pd.to_datetime(date_local[0], format='%Y:%M:%D') date_local[2] = pd.to_datetime(date_local[0], format='%Y:%M:%D').dt.time if self.pvcalculation == 1: #Add to data[7] = date_local[0][8] = date_local[1][9] = date_local[2] #Extract ext = ([7] >= str(self.startyear) + '-1-2 00:00:00') & ([7] <= str(self.endyear) + '-12-30 23:00:00') self.data_local_time =[ext] #Extracting PV power self.PV_power = pd.pivot(self.data_local_time, index=8, columns=9, values=1) #Extracting solar irradiance data self.sol_irrad = pd.pivot(self.data_local_time, index=8, columns=9, values=2) #Extracting wind speed data self.wind_speed = pd.pivot(self.data_local_time, index=8, columns=9, values=5) power_chrono = pd.DataFrame(self.PV_power/self.sbase) power_chrono.to_csv(self.inp_folder + os.sep + 'power_chrono.csv',index = False) if self.pvcalculation == 0: #Add to data[6] = date_local[0][7] = date_local[1][8] = date_local[2] #Extract ext = ([6] >= str(self.startyear) + '-1-2 00:00:00') & ([6] <= str(self.endyear) + '-12-30 23:00:00') self.data_local_time =[ext] #Extracting solar irradiance data self.sol_irrad = pd.pivot(self.data_local_time, index=7, columns=8, values=1) #Extracting wind speed data self.wind_speed = pd.pivot(self.data_local_time, index=7, columns=8, values=4) def kmeans_clust(self): #Defining the kmeans function with initialization as k-means++ kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=self.n_clust, init='k-means++') #Fitting the k-means algorithm on data model_PV_power = PV_centers = model_PV_power.cluster_centers_ PV_labels = model_PV_power.labels_ model_sol_irrad = irrad_centers = model_sol_irrad.cluster_centers_ model_wind_speed = wind_centers = model_wind_speed.cluster_centers_ ini_dtim = [sum(PV_labels == n) for n in range(self.n_clust)] dtim_tot = sum(ini_dtim) for n in range(self.n_clust): ini_dtim[n] += (365 - dtim_tot)/self.n_clust dtim = pd.DataFrame(ini_dtim) dtim.columns = ['dt'] psol = pd.DataFrame(PV_centers/self.sbase) psol = psol.T qsol = math.tan(math.acos(self.pf_p))*psol #Saving clustered data psol.to_csv(self.inp_folder + os.sep + 'psol_dist.csv', index = False) qsol.to_csv(self.inp_folder + os.sep + 'qsol_dist.csv', index = False) pwin = pd.DataFrame(0*wind_centers/self.sbase) pwin = pwin.T qwin = math.tan(math.acos(self.pf_p))*pwin #Saving clustered data pwin.to_csv(self.inp_folder + os.sep + 'pwin_dist.csv', index = False) qwin.to_csv(self.inp_folder + os.sep + 'qwin_dist.csv', index = False) dtim.to_csv(self.inp_folder + os.sep + 'dtim_dist.csv', index = False)