Input data
CSV File Name: cbat_dist → characteristic of candidate battery units
bus |
icost |
ocost |
scost |
ec |
ed |
emax |
emin |
eini |
pmax |
pmin |
qmax |
qmin |
bus: Bus number
icost: Annualised investment cost [$/year]
ocost: Operation cost [$/kWh] (default = 0)
scost: Start-up cost [$] (default = 0)
ec: Charging mode efficiency
ed: Discharging mode efficiency
emax: Maximum limit of stored energy for each battery unit [kWh]
emin: Minimum limit of stored energy for each battery unit [kWh]
pmax: Maximum limit of active power production for each battery unit [kW]
pmin: Minimum limit of active power production for each battery unit [kW]
qmax: Maximum limit of reactive power production for each battery unit [kVAr]
qmin: Minimum limit of reactive power production for each battery unit [kVAr]
CSV File Name: cblt_dist → Characteristic of different cables
crs |
r0 |
i0 |
r1 |
x1 |
z1 |
i1 |
r2 |
x2 |
z2 |
i2 |
r3 |
x3 |
z3 |
i3 |
r4 |
x4 |
z4 |
i4 |
r5 |
x5 |
z5 |
i5 |
r6 |
x6 |
z6 |
i6 |
r7 |
x7 |
z7 |
i7 |
csr: Cross-section [mm2]
r0: Resistance (2 cables, DC) [mΩ/m]
i0: Rated current (2 cables, DC) [A]
r1: Resistance (2 cables, single-phase DC, enclosed in conduit or trunking) [mΩ/m]
x1: Reactance (2 cables, single-phase DC, enclosed in conduit or trunking) [mΩ/m]
z1: Impedance (2 cables, single-phase DC, enclosed in conduit or trunking) [mΩ/m]
i1: Rated current (2 cables, single-phase DC, enclosed in conduit or trunking) [A]
r2: Resistance (2 cables, single-phase DC, cables touching) [mΩ/m]
x2: Reactance (2 cables, single-phase DC, cables touching) [mΩ/m]
z2: Impedance (2 cables, single-phase DC, cables touching) [mΩ/m]
i2: Rated current (2 cables, single-phase DC, cables touching) [A]
r3: Resistance (2 cables, single-phase AC, cables spaced) [mΩ/m]
x3: Reactance (2 cables, single-phase AC, cables spaced) [mΩ/m]
z3: Impedance (2 cables, single-phase AC, cables spaced) [mΩ/m]
i3: Rated current (2 cables, single-phase AC, cables spaced) [A]
r4: Resistance (3 or 4 cables, three-phase AC, enclosed in conduit or trunking) [mΩ/m]
x4: Reactance (3 or 4 cables, three-phase AC, enclosed in conduit or trunking) [mΩ/m]
z4: Impedance (3 or 4 cables, three-phase AC, enclosed in conduit or trunking) [mΩ/m]
i4: Rated current (3 or 4 cables, three-phase AC, enclosed in conduit or trunking) [A]
r5: Resistance (3 or 4 cables, three-phase AC, trefoil) [mΩ/m]
x5: Reactance (3 or 4 cables, three-phase AC, trefoil) [mΩ/m]
z5: Impedance (3 or 4 cables, three-phase AC, trefoil) [mΩ/m]
i5: Rated current (3 or 4 cables, three-phase AC, trefoil) [A]
r6: Resistance (3 or 4 cables, three-phase AC, cables touching, flat) [mΩ/m]
x6: Reactance (3 or 4 cables, three-phase AC, cables touching, flat) [mΩ/m]
z6: Impedance (3 or 4 cables, three-phase AC, cables touching, flat) [mΩ/m]
i6: Rated current (3 or 4 cables, three-phase AC, cables touching, flat) [A]
r7: Resistance (3 or 4 cables, three-phase AC, cables spaced, flat) [mΩ/m]
x7: Reactance (3 or 4 cables, three-phase AC, cables spaced, flat) [mΩ/m]
z7: Impedance (3 or 4 cables, three-phase AC, cables spaced, flat) [mΩ/m]
i7: Rated current (3 or 4 cables, three-phase AC, cables spaced, flat) [A]
CSV File Name: cgen_dist → Characteristic of candidate dispatchable units
bus |
icost |
ocost |
scost |
pmin |
pmax |
qmin |
qmax |
bus: Bus number
icost: Annualised investment cost [$/year]
ocost: Operation cost [$/kWh]
scost: Start-up cost [$]
pmax: Maximum limit of active power production for each unit [kW]
pmin: Minimum limit of active power production for each unit [kW]
qmax: Maximum limit of reactive power production for each battery unit [kVAr]
qmin: Minimum limit of reactive power production for each battery unit [kVAr]
CSV File Name: clin_dist → Characteristic of candidate lines
from |
to |
ini |
res |
rea |
icost |
smax |
pmax |
qmax |
from: Sending bus
to: Receiving bus
ini: Initial status
res: Resistance [pu]
rea: Reactance [pu]
icost: Annualised capital cost [$]
smax: Maximum limit of apparent power [kVA]
pmax: Inner approximation for maximum active power [kW]
qmax: Inner approximation for maximum active power [kVAr]
CSV File Name: csol_dist → Characteristic of candidate solar units
bus |
icost |
ocost |
scost |
pmin |
pmax |
qmin |
qmax |
bus: Bus number
icost: Annualised investment cost [$/year]
ocost: Operation cost [$/kWh]
scost: Start-up cost [$] (default: 0)
pmax: Maximum limit of active power production for each unit [kW]
pmin: Minimum limit of active power production for each unit [kW]
qmax: Maximum limit of reactive power production for each battery unit [kVAr]
qmin: Minimum limit of reactive power production for each battery unit [kVAr]
CSV File Name: csol_dist → Characteristic of candidate solar units
bus |
icost |
ocost |
scost |
pmin |
pmax |
qmin |
qmax |
bus: Bus number
icost: Annualised investment cost [$/year]
ocost: Operation cost [$/kWh]
scost: Start-up cost [$] (default: 0)
pmax: Maximum limit of active power production for each unit [kW]
pmin: Minimum limit of active power production for each unit [kW]
qmax: Maximum limit of reactive power production for each battery unit [kW]
qmin: Minimum limit of reactive power production for each battery unit [kW]
CSV File Name: cwin_dist → Characteristic of candidate wind units Columns
bus |
icost |
ocost |
scost |
pmin |
pmax |
qmin |
qmax |
bus: Bus number
icost: Annualised investment cost [$/year]
ocost: Operation cost [$/kWh]
scost: Start-up cost [$] (default: 0)
pmax: Maximum limit of active power production for each unit [kW]
pmin: Minimum limit of active power production for each unit [kW]
qmax: Maximum limit of reactive power production for each battery unit [kVAr]
qmin: Minimum limit of reactive power production for each battery unit [kVAr]
CSV File Name: dtim_dist → Duration time of each representative day obtained by clustering techniques
dt |
dt: Duration time of each representative day obtained by clustering techniques [h]
CSV File Name: egen_dist → Characteristic of existing dispatchable units
bus |
ocost |
scost |
pmin |
pmax |
qmin |
qmax |
bus: Bus number
ocost: Operation cost [$/kWh]
scost: Start-up cost [$]
pmax: Maximum limit of active power production for each unit [kW]
pmin: Minimum limit of active power production for each unit [kW]
qmax: Maximum limit of reactive power production for each battery unit [kVAr]
qmin: Minimum limit of reactive power production for each battery unit [kVAr]
CSV File Name: elin_dist → Characteristic of existing lines
from |
to |
ini |
res |
rea |
sus |
smax |
pmax |
qmax |
from: Sending bus
to: Receiving bus
ini: Initial status
res: Resistance [pu]
rea: Reactance [pu]
sus: Susceptance [pu]
smax: Maximum limit of apparent power [kVA]
pmax: Inner approximation for maximum active power [kW]
qmax: Inner approximation for maximum active power [kVAr]
CSV File Name: esol_dist → Characteristic of existing solar units
bus |
ocost |
scost |
pmin |
pmax |
qmin |
qmax |
bus: Bus number
icost: Annualised investment cost [$/year]
ocost: Operation cost [$/kWh]
scost: Start-up cost [$] (default: 0)
pmax: Maximum limit of active power production for each unit [kW]
pmin: Minimum limit of active power production for each unit [kW]
qmax: Maximum limit of reactive power production for each battery unit [kVAr]
qmin: Minimum limit of reactive power production for each battery unit [kVAr]
CSV File Name: cwin_dist → Characteristic of existing wind units
bus |
ocost |
scost |
pmin |
pmax |
qmin |
qmax |
bus: Bus number
ocost: Operation cost [$/kWh]
scost: Start-up cost [$] (default: 0)
pmax: Maximum limit of active power production for each unit [kW]
pmin: Minimum limit of active power production for each unit [kW]
qmax: Maximum limit of reactive power production for each battery unit [kVAr]
qmin: Minimum limit of reactive power production for each battery unit [kVAr]
CSV File Name: geol_dist → Geographical location of load points for feeder routing
Longtitude |
Latitude |
Longtitude: Longitude of a load point
Latitude: Latitude of a load point
Note: The first column represents the index of each load point and it starts from 0
Worksheet File Name: mgpc_dist → Characteristic of load points
Load Point: longitude, latitude, hourly participation factors of load points
Load Level: Total load levels at each hour of the scheduling horizon
Note: To construct the load profile, the following tool from NREL can be used:
Microgrid Load and LCOE Modelling Results, available online:
CSV File Name: pdem_dist → Hourly participation factors of load points (active power)
Note: The first row represents the index of load points and each column represents the hourly participation factors for 24 hours of a single day.
CSV File Name: prep_dist → Hourly total active load levels of the microgrid
Note: The first row represents the index of all representative days and each column represent the hourly total active load levels for 24 hours of each representative day in kW.
CSV File Name: psol_dist → Hourly total available solar active power of the microgrid
Note: The first row represents the index of all representative days and each column represent the hourly total available solar power for 24 hours of each representative day in kW.
CSV File Name: pwin_dist → Hourly total available wind active power of the microgrid
Note: The first row represents the index of all representative days and each column represent the hourly total available wind power for 24 hours of each representative day in kW.
CSV File Name: qdem_dist → Hourly participation factors of load points (reactive power)
Note: The first row represents the index of load points and each column represents the hourly participation factors for 24 hours of a single day.
CSV File Name: qrep_dist → Hourly total reactive load levels of the microgrid
Note: The first row represents the index of all representative days and each column represent the hourly total reactive load levels for 24 hours of each representative day in kW.
CSV File Name: qsol_dist → Hourly total available solar reactive power of the microgrid
Note: The first row represents the index of all representative days and each column represent the hourly total available solar power for 24 hours of each representative day in kW.
CSV File Name: qwin_dist → Hourly total available wind active power of the microgrid
Note: The first row represents the index of all representative days and each column represent the hourly total available wind power for 24 hours of each representative day in kW.
CSV File Name: rou_dist → Distance between pairs of connected buses
from |
to |
distance |
from: Sending bus
to: Receving bus
distance: Distance between a pair of connected buses